For your participation in the 2023 project
Our thank you gift
Seminars - Webinars - Research - Reward - Self-Study
With your participation in the Stress Release Research Project, you are helping to gather essential knowledge about the effectiveness of Online Stress Release Courses.
For this we would like to say "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts. You will experience the benefits of the ABSR courses for yourself and help to make them more targeted and effective for people to use.
As our thank you gift, you will receive:
- free access to all ABSR courses for self study 1, 2 and 3 worth 225.- Euro
- a voucher that allows you to shop on Eurythmy4you for 50% for one year.
ABSR Stress Release
Research Project 2023
University of Bern, IKIM
Perseus Research Society